Tofu with shrimp sauce and noodles (bun dau mam tom)

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Tofu with shrimp sauce and noodles is a local Vietnamese street food. It is the popular food for common people in Vietnam. This dish is easy to make, but it takes some time for the tofu to marinate and for the noodles to cook.

Tofu is made from soybeans, which are ground into a paste and then pressed into blocks. The blocks are then deep-fried, giving the tofu its soft texture and light brown color. Tofu can be eaten in many different ways, including stir-fried with vegetables or used as a base for soups or stews.

In Vietnam, tofu is often paired with noodles or rice for a meal that’s easy on the wallet but also filling enough to satisfy hunger without making you feel heavy afterward.

Shrimp sauce goes quite well with noodles and tofu and it makes the taste of this dish so unique. Not everyone can eat shrimp sauce as it has a strong taste but once you can, you will love it definitely. It is the same like durian, the food is not for everyone but once you can eat it you will never forget the taste of it. You will keep thinking about it and want more.

The dish nowadays is upgraded.  Besides tofu and noodles, people add some boiled pork, spring rolls, green sticky rice patties or roasted cinnamon pork to the dish. Therefore, the dish becomes more tasty and delicious. They also have the option of fish sauce instead of shrimp sauce for customers who are not used to shrimp sauce.

Today, the dish becomes more and more popular among the Vietnamese people and served in many restaurants. There are some famous restaurants serving this dish in Hanoi. If you really want to taste some local Vietnamese foods, you may think of trying this dish. The price for one portion is around VND 45,000 to VND 65,000 (about $2.00 – $3.00). Price may vary if you order side dishes.

Best restaurants of tofu with shrimp sauce and noodles:

  1. Bun dau Trung Huong – address:  49 ngo Phat Loc, Hoan Kiem dist, Ha Noi; tel: : 024 3926 0662. Open time:
  2. Bun dau Goc Da Ngo Gach – address: 4 ngo Gach, Hang Buom str, Hoan Kiem dist, Ha Noi. Open time: 10h00 – 22h00.
  3. Bun dau mam tom Quan Ngon Nha Ham – address: 6D, ngo Hang Chao, Ha Noi. Open time: 09h00 – 21h30
  4. Bun dau Ba Tam – address: 80 Lang Ha str, Dong Da dist, Ha Noi. Open time: 09h00 – 21h00
  5. Bun dau met Dong Thai – address: 11 Dong Thai str, Hoan Kiem dist, Ha Noi. Open time: 11h00  – 14h00 everyday.
  6. Bun dau Cay Da – address: 235B Thuy Khue str, Tay Ho dist, Ha Noi. Open time: 09h00 – 21h00.

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